Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 4!

Quatro! Quatre! Four! Welcome Thoners! Hope you've been getting into the swing of things and I hope the weather is warm enough for you to actually enjoy the draft that the skirt can afford.

I just briefly wanted to touch on a technology that has helped me get into my skirt today. That which I have nicknamed "skirdle" "or maybe "sliple"? It's the material of a shaper in the form of a slip or a skirt. Mine looks like this:

Except mine is black, this is the skirdle that undergirds (ha!) my skirt. I don't know if y'all need these things--and I'm not suggesting that y'all need these things either for the record--but let me tell you, it's holding everything in so it doesn't look like two pigs fighting under a, skirt. (That scene from Steel Magnolias still runs rampant in my head from time to time.)

Only thing that drives me crazy: The ROLLING and the pulling down. It rolls up at the top; and then I have to pull it down at the bottom. Sighs. This is the labor one does for Skirtathon I spose.

Anyway, happy Thoning!


Monday, April 4, 2011

Skirtathon Day 2

Welcome to Day 2 of Skirtathon! And welcome to all the new folks who decided to play this year. I hope it's as joyously frustrating for you as it is for all of us.

Anywho, we 'Thoners got a little bit of a respite before enduring the first full week of #Skirtathon2011. I hope y'all wore as many pairs of pants as you could because it now begins.

I also want to give a shout out to #beardathon2011--the male version of Skirtathon. While I don't know if it necessarily will be as much fun, I'm certainly curious to see how hairy this will get.

Don't forget to follow us on twitter at #skirtathon2011 and on Tumblr: And, if you're on Facebook, feel free to join the Skirtathon2011 Groups page. I'd love to meet y'all.

And, as always, if you can't play, SPONSOR.

May the skirt be with you!


Friday, April 1, 2011

Start Your Engines, Ladies! Skirtathon 2011 Has begun

Welcome to Skirtathon Day 1! It always has been interesting to begin the 'thon on April Fools but I think that makes this experience that much richer--and sillier.

I should mention that Skirtathon is on Twitter! Our hashtag is #skirtathon2011.

And, remember, if you don't wanna play, you can always sponsor a 'Thoner...or just give to a good cause in the name of Skirtathon. Kinda like, if you can't give blood but if you attempt to they'll give you a sticker that said, "I tried"? This is that kinda thing. In any case, you can find that donation page right here.

May the Skirt Be with you! Especially if it's COOOOOLD.
