Sponsor A 'Thoner

I've been mentioning it along the site and in other places, but I finally remembered to make a page just for it: Sponsorship!

So, in years past, many of the Skirtathoners and other folks who wanted to play but couldn't for one reason or another asked if we could maybe use the marathon for a good cause. I always said that was a great idea but never had the time or energy to figure out how to do it.

That has all changed! Skirtathon is all growed up and now has a charity. This year it is the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation devoted to breast cancer research (Skirts, breasts...it all makes sense).

Here's how it works (or it can work):

First, everyone can donate regardless of if you're skirtathoning or not (I donated $5 as a good faith seed to the cause).

But, if you want to feel like you have an investment in Skirtathon without having to don a skirt, then sponsor a 'thoner for as many days as you like.

50 cents for 21 days or $1 a day for 21 days or $1 for 3 days or whatever. The point is not the size of the donation but more that there IS a donation.

And think of it this way: Sponsorship serves as incentive for us to keep going on the days that sweat pants are calling us. And, I promise you, they WILL. It's EVIL.

Yep, after awhile, Brit Brit's outfit will seem like a dream come true. RESIST, thoners. Sponsors, HELP us with some nice incentives.

Donate here: http://www.info-komen.org/site/TR/Events/HeadquartersSite?pg=fund&fr_id=1120&pxfid=162473

May the Skirt be with you!


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